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Jitter 2.4.3 (08-31-2024)

  • Correct corner case beeing wrong in MPR collision detection due to typo (bug fix).
  • FatTriangleShape level did not properly take transformations into account (bug fix).

Jitter 2.4.2 (08-26-2024)

  • Added FatTriangleShape to give triangles thickness which can be useful for static triangle meshes.
  • Removal from potential pairs in DynamicTree ignores filters from now on (bug fix).
  • Use sweep tests for speculative contacts, vastly improving simulation quality in this scenario.
  • Breaking Change: Redefinition of NarrowPhase.SweepTest results.
  • Improved TriangleEdgeCollisionFilter.

Jitter 2.4.1 (08-21-2024)

  • Improved TriangleEdgeCollisionFilter.
  • Implemented analytical box and sphere ray casting.
  • Made Restitution and Friction public in Contact.
  • Improved DynamicTree interface.
  • Add Debug.Asserts in ActiveList.
  • Mark ArbiterKey as readonly.
  • Added enumerator to PairHashSet.
  • Changed ShapeHelper.MakeHull to take a generic of type ICollection.

Jitter 2.4.0 (08-10-2024)

  • Improved TrimPotentialPairs logic.
  • Optimized quaternion vector transformation.
  • Extended functionality of ContactData.UsageMask.
  • Breaking Change: Overhauled the shape system. Regular shapes (box, sphere, capsule, ...) now derive from RigidBodyShape. Some method signatures changed slightly, e.g. ray casting.
  • Improved exceptions.
  • Added ReferenceFrameAttribute.

Jitter 2.3.1 (06-02-2024)

  • ReadOnly wrappers (ReadOnlyList, ReadOnlyHashset) are now structs.
  • Shapes with very small dimensions might have close to zero or zero mass/inertia. Creating rigid bodies from them now throws an exception (use body.AddShape(shape, setMassInertia: false) to not use the shape's mass properties).
  • Added BeginCollide and EndCollide events per body.

Jitter 2.3.0 (05-20-2024)

  • Added RigidBody.RemoveShape overload to remove multiple shapes at once.
  • Marked Rigid.ClearShapes deprecated.
  • Breaking Change: Use JQuaternion for orientations. Sorry for the API break.

Jitter 2.2.1 (04-29-2024)

  • Add optional activate parameter to world.AddShape.
  • Add NarrowPhase.SweepTest.
  • EPA collision detection: various improvements.
  • Improve exit condition for RayCast and PointTest.
  • Remove redundant ArgumentException for zero mass shapes.
  • Handle zero time steps. Throw ArgumentException for negative time steps.
  • Add joint base class to joint classes.

Jitter 2.2.0 (01-02-2024)

  • Breaking Change: Renamed Raycast to RayCast.
  • world.Remove(world.NullBody) does now remove all shapes, constraints and contacts associated with NullBody.
  • world.AddShape(shape) respects the activation state of the associated rigid body. Most notable: performance improvement when directly adding TriangleShapes to world.NullBody for static geometry.
  • Performance improvements for ConvexHullShape.
  • Improved termination condition in GJKEPA collision detection.

Jitter 2.1.1 (12-17-2023)

  • Fixed O(n^2) problem in TriangleMesh due to hash collisions.
  • WorldBoundingBox of Shape is now updated even if no RigidBody is attached.

Jitter 2.1.0 (12-10-2023)

  • Added debug drawing for rigid bodies (RigidBody.DebugDraw).
  • Fixed a bug in CalculateMassInertia within TransformedShape.cs.
  • Improved ray casting performance and introduced NarrowPhase.PointTest.
  • Breaking Change: Inverted behavior of BroadPhaseCollisionFilter.
  • Breaking Change: Inverted definition of damping factors in RigidBody.Damping (0 = no damping, 1 = immediate halt).
  • Added RigidBody.SetMassInertia overload to enable setting the inverse inertia to zero.
  • An exception is now thrown when a body's mass is set to zero.
  • Fixed a bug in the friction handling in Contact.cs.

Jitter 2.0.1 (10-28-2023)

  • Fixed a bug in contact initialization which affected soft body physics.

Jitter 2.0.0 (10-22-2023)

Initial stable Release.

Jitter 2.0.0-beta (10-17-2023)

  • Added softbodies.

Jitter 2.0.0-alpha (09-18-2023)

Initial Release.